They say a good day is when you can learn a valuable lesson and I can assure you that I'm always grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow.
In the original post I published, I made reference to five hiking trails that you should explore this season. Since some of these trails were new to me, I needed to do some research to familiarize myself with them. In doing so, I unintentionally used information originally posted by Halifax Trails without crediting his work and for this I apologize.
Instead of re-writing the post with original content, I want to give credit where credit is due. Please follow the links below to the original posts where I did my research. The information provided will ensure your adventure is both an informed and memorable one.
Happy Hiking!
As we move toward mid August, slowly declining temperatures will give way to another favourite Nova Scotian outdoor activity - hiking our trails and taking in the beautiful scenery around our province.
To help narrow your search for trails to explore this season, we have listed 5 of our favourites that we suggest you put on your list.
The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail
Duncans Cove Hiking Trail
Polly's Cove
Victoria Park
Gaff Point Hiking Trail and Hirtles Beach

With any outdoor activity, be sure to plan ahead and pack enough water and snacks to keep you hydrated and energized for your adventure.
Our trails are often secluded with few amenities so being prepared is a must!
It is also recommended when hiking, that you wear clothing that is breathable, comfortable and moisture wicking so you are only concerned with taking in the sights around you. Please check out our suggested hiking essentials to help make your excursions the most memorable and enjoyable they can be.